It’s not a myth: San Francisco is as hilly as they say. As I walk down the hill we are living in, up in the Eureka Valley, the world around me seems to change. Up there, there are days when you wake up inside the clouds, that do not allow … more »

It’s not a myth: San Francisco is as hilly as they say. As I walk down the hill we are living in, up in the Eureka Valley, the world around me seems to change. Up there, there are days when you wake up inside the clouds, that do not allow … more »
Mexico city is a great travel destination. Huge with a variety of activities, it has pretty much anything a capital city could offer to citizens and visitors alike. Budget travelers won’t have a hard time getting around the city. Having a reduced budget here doesn’t mean having any less fun. … more »
The ease of transportation and international number of travelers increases exponentially every year. No wonder serious questions are being raised regarding the impact travelers can have on the environment. People travel to Playa del Carmen for its natural appeal, for the beauty of its Caribbean beaches, and for the renowned … more »
Walking around Paris earlier this October, I saw a scene that kept on repeating in the most touristic landmarks of the French capital. In front of the Eiffel Tower, in the “bridge of love” by Notre-Dame’s Cathedral or along the magnificent buildings of La Concorde, Asian couples would pose in … more »
Any digital nomad will know the importance of three things: a good cup of coffee, a fast WiFi connection, and comfortable sofas (bums get sore after a few hours!). Earlier this year, we spent two months in Vietnam, eating, slurping and working our way around the country. Whenever we based … more »
This is the type of festival that makes a trip to the other side of the world worth it! Very hyped up but, in my opinion, totally living to the hype, Yee Peng & Loi Kratong present a Chiang Mai even more exciting than in the rest of the year. … more »
We met these two little girls while on a cycling tour from Battambang. They live in a little village and since this was during the holidays, help their mother with her daily chores. Their mother makes rice noodles and sells soups to the people in the village. A bowl of … more »
While in Concepcion, Chile we decided to drive south for a few kilometers to visit an abandoned coal mine in Lota. The coal mine starts at the shore and then goes under the ocean. The mine was abandoned due to political disagreements, but there are tours that take you down … more »
Somewhere in the middle of the massive Lake Titicaca, a group of about 50 islands have been man made. Built entirely of reed, they float, constituting the villages and towns of around 5000 people. Including this little girl, whose face cheeks are dry and burnt from over exposure to the … more »
When a destination is touristic, it is hard to get off the beaten path. Heading somewhere alternative is not about being cool or bragging that you’ve done something different. It is about stepping away from the obvious, doing something that relates to the essence of the place, and ultimately, enriches … more »