On a fine day back in 2011 I thought my life was coming to an end. That was the day when I almost shat myself to death in Doha’s airport. Back then, we were living in Dubai and had decided to take a small trip to Indonesia. On our last … more »

On a fine day back in 2011 I thought my life was coming to an end. That was the day when I almost shat myself to death in Doha’s airport. Back then, we were living in Dubai and had decided to take a small trip to Indonesia. On our last … more »
When I decided to cycle alone across Iran I was not an experienced cyclist. I still am not. I’m not particularly fit, I struggle to go up hills, and I’m known for my appalling sense of direction. I suck at fixing punctures. But I’m also very stubborn, and find it … more »
There are only a few earthly things that can be seen from outer space. The Great Wall of China is a well known example, as are the man-made islands of Palm Jumeirah in Dubai, and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. When it comes to Portugal, the only thing that … more »
If India and Mexico made love, they could give birth to something beautiful! No doubt the newborn would dress colorfully and adorn its everyday things with vibrant tones. It would be saucy, spicy and topped with heaps of cilantro. Chances are it would also care a great deal about religion. … more »
Hot. Dry. Intense. This is summer in El Paso, Texas! There’s a reason why this Texan city, located right on the border with Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, is called The Sun City. There are many things to keep locals and visitors entertained in El Paso all year long. Many visit to … more »
Thinking about California brings to mind Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Disneyland, road trips down Highway 101, and so much more. Even if you haven’t been to California before, chances are you know more than a thing or two about it. Planning a trip around this famous American state doesn’t have to … more »
Top tips and advice for packing the ultimate travel backpack, shared by Agness and Cez – eTramping duo. So you’re off on your first around the world adventure – but what do you possibly pack? We’ve asked fellow travel bloggers Agness and Cez of eTramping to share their handy guide for … more »
As we travel around the world, we are often asked if we ever get into trouble or if we feel unsafe in some of the places we go to. Our answer tends to be the same: most people in the world are actually good! Problems can happen whether it is … more »
If there is one thing we love it’s last minute trips and one way tickets. OK, that’s two things! I guess what we really like is to be able to be spontaneous and make the most of the moment, embracing pretty epic experiences, as well as enjoying the little things. … more »
On a random late winter day, we were strolling around in Lisbon. We were walking down one of those typical cobblestone stairways when Ashray pointed out to me “watch out!”, giving me a heads-up that would prevent me from stepping into a pile of poo. “Dude, that’s quite a big … more »