If our first day in the Amazon was exciting, the remaining time we enjoyed there wasn’t any less! And this video is a proof of that: Day 2 Life in the Amazon starts at dawn: this applies whether you are a local or a visitor! With a 6AM … more »

If our first day in the Amazon was exciting, the remaining time we enjoyed there wasn’t any less! And this video is a proof of that: Day 2 Life in the Amazon starts at dawn: this applies whether you are a local or a visitor! With a 6AM … more »
We never thought there would be cement buildings in the middle of the Amazon. That is certainly not the romanticized image of the jungle one gets from photos and movies. But when we actually went into the wild in Peru, we discovered that the Amazon is more than dense vegetation, tribes and exotic … more »
The beauty of traveling in Peru is that, within the same country, there are such diverse areas as the coast, the highlands (Andes) and the jungle (Amazon). Until last year, whenever I’d think of the Amazon, I’d immediately picture a region within Brazil. Although it is true that the vast … more »
Corcovado National Park is the playground of one of the most wanted adventures in Costa Rica. Still, it remains as a rather unspoiled and difficult place to access. Although it sits in a remote corner of Costa Rica, this protected area offers tourists the possibility of visiting the rain forest (primary … more »
Read Island hopping the Galapagos, part 2/4: Floreana Island here. Isabela Island was our second home in the Galapagos, after Santa Cruz. Having spent some time in both islands, I could safely say that if you divide your island hopping days between the two, you’ll see and experience a … more »