It’s strange that living in the Arabian Desert in Dubai, you never come across that many camels. However, the scenery changes quite dramatically in Salalah, Oman. Driving down the street you will often find camels ambling up to you in large numbers. It’s truly a glorious moment to partake in … more »
“What a f*cking weirdo” AWARDS!
I’m writing this post from Ethiopia, a pretty good place to think about the value of material things. We left our house 3 days ago (it feels like ages already!) and I must confess that after all of this “oh yeah, we’re setting ourselves free from possessions” speech I had … more »
Bye-bye Dubai! :)
I have always wanted to see the world! I guess most people say the same thing but they are more like: “oh yeah… I’d love to see the world… one day… if I were rich!“. The thing is that you don’t need to be rich, all you need … more »