Sometimes, it’s like the harder you try, the worse things go! The main down side to travel for an extended period of time is the lack of consistent social life. You might meet people, but you do not have your family and friends around, and that becomes even more noticeable … more »
History and Fun in Easter Island, part 1/2
I must confess Easter Island was never on my travel plans. Not because it didn’t seem like an interesting destination on my mind (quite the opposite!) but because, somehow, it always felt like “too far, too hard to reach”. Before visiting Chile, I actually didn’t even know Easter Island is … more »
Bye-bye Dubai! :)
I have always wanted to see the world! I guess most people say the same thing but they are more like: “oh yeah… I’d love to see the world… one day… if I were rich!“. The thing is that you don’t need to be rich, all you need … more »