Our hood in Dubai: Discovery Gardens


There’s something really liberating about selling all your possessions and setting out on an adventure! It gives strength to the old adage:


Don’t let your possessions own you.

I finally sold my car, and I was definitely very sad to see my beautiful ride go! However a feeling of liberation and freedom suddenly took over and now I feel like I can go anywhere! There are no roots, no ties, nothing holding me back. The world is my oyster.

I also got an SMS from TECOM in the morning saying that my Resident Visa has been cancelled. No longer a resident of Dubai. HELL YEAH!

In a few minutes a guy is coming to take our couch, bed, desk, dining table, etc. He’s bought it all!

We also used our DNATA points yesterday to book our flights to India. The plan for the next few days is:

September 28th – Fly to Ethiopia (Addis and Lalibela are on the list..)
October 6th – Fly to New Delhi
October 12th – Zara flies to Portugal
November 5th – I fly to London and Zara joins me there


The above plan is CONFIRMED since we’ve booked all our tickets and are ready to rock!

Don’t get me wrong. Dubai is a mixed bag of experiences. It’s bittersweet.

Do yourself a favor. Sell all your shit and get out :D

It feels fucking good!

PS: For all those who are unaware, the Indian Rupee is pretty weak against the Dirham right now. Good time to send some money home as well :)

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