The Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna is pretty much a piece of art. It’s an apartment complex designed with the philosophy that one should live in harmony with nature. This is why you see tons of greenery (trees, shrubs, etc.) growing literally out of the walls of the apartment.

A better view of the Hundertwasserhaus
The complex was conceptualized by the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser with architect Joseph Krawina. It’s a really interesting place to see as they believed – same as Gaudi – that straight lines are unnatural and if a building was to feel natural, it shouldn’t have straight lines. Very interesting!
I’m so jealous right now guys! I wish I saw this amazing piece of architecture with my own eyes. I’m a big fan of Gaudi and I saw a lot of its creation and only recently I discovered and learnt more about Friedensreich Hundertwasser. I need to go to Vienna soon I guess. Thanks for sharing :)
i remember seeing a documentary about this place on TV when I was young, and thinking: “THIS is a place I’d love to live in!”
Hmm, a very interesting place. I think I’ll include in my places-to-visit list next time I travel to Vienna. It’s really a shame I go there very often but usually on business trips, so I don’t get to see many interesting things.
We first discovered & visited Hundertwasserhaus about fifteen years ago. We were in Vienna in December to visit the fantastic Christmas markets and decided to swing by thinking we could get a few great photos to put on Instagram.
We were rather disappointed to see that the building looks really dull and faded – it looks like it hasn’t been painted anytime since our last visit. When we first visited it was really colourful, bold & beautiful, so hope it gets a fresh coat of paint soon.
Hey A&Z,
Hundertwasserhaus brings back a fond memory. It was my last day in Vienna and Hundertwasserhaus was still to be seen. So I decided not to sleep on the last night and went cycling around the city. Saying goodbye to the famous landmarks there. By the time I reached Hundertwasserhaus, it was early morning and there wasn’t a soul around. It was like I got a private tour of this monument from the outside. Would love to visit it properly sometime:)
It’s really an amazing and meaningful artwork. It gives peace in eyes. A modern house should be like this. Thanks for sharing.