On a balmy Sunday in Acapulco these kids sit on the beach and watch the sun setting over the bay. It’s been a great day at the beach, parents sipping mojitos and taquitos for themselves. This day should never end!

On a balmy Sunday in Acapulco these kids sit on the beach and watch the sun setting over the bay. It’s been a great day at the beach, parents sipping mojitos and taquitos for themselves. This day should never end!
We spent a month in Mexico and even though 2 of those weeks were during Christmas and New Years, we ended up spending just short of USD 1800 in total for both of us. A large part of this expenditure was hostels/hotels since we were there at peak times. Our … more »
I can’t believe that after a little more than one month our stay in Mexico has come to an end! We sure made the most out of our time in Mexican lands and enjoyed such a variety of places and activities. We truly love Mexico and could even consider living … more »