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  • Anant Says

    Hi -

    I will be travelling from India [Mumbai] to Lima via Amsterdam and then immediately to Ecuador by a connecting flight from Lima. During this onward journey I will NOT be entering Peru. However, 6 days after I finish my trip in Ecuador [and Galapagos] I will be returning to Peru and then will be entering Peru. If I have a single entry visa then is my passport stamped during the first transit journey ? The first airline is KLM [Mumbai to Lima via Amsterdam] and then Lima to Ecuador is LAN.

    Please let me know.


    • Zara Says

      Hi Anant,
      If you’re transiting via Peru the first time, they wouldn’t stamp your passport (you do not exit the airport transit area in that case).
      Have a great trip! Galapagos is awesome… just saying! ;)

      • Anant Says

        Thanks Zara. I am always surprised to see that you answer each and every of the queries [either of you].

        Thanks again for the reply.

        BTW, as you your reply seems to suggest, if I am NOT travelling for the first time then do they stamp the passport even when transiting ?


        • Ashray Says

          Hi Anant,

          It’s not really got to do with the number of times you pass through.

          If you pass through immigration (and ENTER the country) even once, they will stamp your passport. You won’t be passing through immigration when transiting at Lima and hence won’t require a transit visa/stamp. Even if they do require to stamp you (for any reason.. for example, China does this even for transit..) – they will not use your single-entry visa for that stamp. Most importantly, just have copies of your onward tickets (printouts are fine).

          Just make sure you’re not switching airports at Lima. Otherwise you will probably have to enter Peru. Be sure that the airports/terminals for your flight arrival INTO Lima and flight departing from Lima to Ecuador are the same.

          That’s all there is to it really :)

          • Anant Says

            Thank you so much Ashray for all the information. I really appreciate this. Your answers have been very useful to me.

            With best regards

  • Anant Says

    Hi Ashray / Zara -

    This is Anant again.

    Ashray, I wish to know what type of visa is needed to visit Antarctica from Ushuaia, Argentina. I think Antarctica does not need a visa but to be able to visit Antarctica through Argentina, what type of Argentinian visa is needed ? Is it only an ordinary / general category Multiple Entry Tourist Visa or some special stamping is needed on this Argentinian visa to be able to visit Antarctica ?

    Also, some of these trips to Antarctica also go through S. Georgia, S. Orkney and Falkland. Are visas needed for any of these islands / countries for an Indian national who is on a tourist visa in Argentina. This will be a cruise visit.

    Please let me know.

    Thanks in advance

    • Zara Says

      Hi Anant,

      We haven’t been to Antarctica ourselves yet, but from what I understand you do not need a visa to go there. There is a travel permit required, but the cruise ships that one takes you travel to Antarctica would normally take care of that.

      As for Argentina, a multiple visit visa should do it. Regarding the other islands, those that do not belong to Argentina, it would probably be a better idea to check directly with the cruise ship company itself. I am sure they are used to these type of questions. But I bet it’s all an easy process.

      Do let us know how it goes. We’d love to take this type of trip ourselves one of these days! ;)

      • Anant Says

        Hi Zara -

        Sure I will inform you. Just one more question. Is a visa needed for an Indian for Uruguay ? If yes what are the requirements ? I could not get much info. from the net. If you know / come across any site please send me the link.

        Thanks both of you for all your efforts in answering all my questions.


        • Zara Says

          Hi Anant,

          We haven’t traveled to Uruguay yet so we can’t really give you any fist hand info regarding visas to go there. You should probably get in touch directly with the Embassy of Uruguay in New Delhi:

          Good luck and if you wish to do a guest post on how to get a visit visa to Uruguay with Indian passport once you’ve gone through the experience, you are most welcome to do so! Our aim it to always facilitate this type of info to fellow Indian travelers, but we haven’t been everywhere… yet! ;)

          • Anant Says

            Thank you so much Zara. I will definitely inform you. I am not sure of Uruguay part of the trip though. Ships can be boarded from Ushuaia also.

            Thanks again.

            With Warm Regards

          • Anant Says

            Hello Zara -

            I wish to know if a visa is required for an Indian national residing in India to be able to visit Gibraltar. I do NOT hold any UK visa but I do hold a valid Schengen visa [valid upto 23-JAN-2015]. I am planning on visiting Gibraltar in the month of [end of] Dec. 2014 for a period of 5 to 6 days as a tourist. So Schenger visa validity is no issue.

            Any idea about whether I still need to apply for a separate visa of Gibraltar and if yes, may I kindly request you to send me the link from where the documentary requirements can be known. I tried searching but could not find any site where documentrary requirements are listed.

            Also, in case a visa is required then is personal appearance for the interview mandatory or can the documents be sent by post ?

            Please let me know if you have any idea.

            Thanks in advance.


          • Ashray Says

            Hi Anant

            You shouldn’t need a visa. Here is the info from the airlines:

            Visa required, except for A max. stay of 21 days for holders of a valid multiple entry visa issued by a Schengen Member State For details, click here to nationals of India. If the validity of the visa is less than 21 days, the max. permitted stay is the remainder of the period of validity of the visa minus 7 days.

            So you can stay for 21 days as long as you exit Gibraltar on the date of expiry of your Schengen visa minus 7 days. So in your case you can stay for 21 days up to 15th Jan 2015. (of course you must take into account the “Duration” printed on your Schengen visa as well…)

            You can find the above info at:

  • Srinivas Says

    Hi guys good to see your blog and i would like to know some info regarding transit in Amsterdam. i am planning to visit Peru in December and want to buy ticket to Lima. i am bit confused to buy ticket because of the various websites giving different info. i want to book Bombay to Lima via Amsterdam KLM flight. i have short waiting time while i am going to Lima but when i am returning its 18 hours waiting. my question is do i need transit visa for Amsterdam ? i am not planning to go out of airport. but in some website its mentioned like Transit visa required.
    please give me some info


    • Zara Says

      Hi Srinivas,

      You’d need a transit visa to travel via most cities in Europe but thankfully Amsterdam (the entire Netherlands), as long as we know, is an exception. So, as long as you don’t go out of the airport, you do not need a visa.

      Have a great trip and, if you’re not sure how to score the best flight deals, maybe this article will come in handy:

      • Srinivas Says

        you guy are awesome , thank you so much for quick reply.and its very interesting to read your blog and travel tips.

        thank you so much and god bless you both

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  • Manoj vinayak Says

    Hi I’m Manoj from India planning to travel Ecuador, do I need any letter from Embassy or can pack my stuff & directly travel. can you kindly email the letter which Rakesh posted in blog. It would grateful to if you can advice me. Thank you

  • Sukanya Says

    I am planning to travel to Algeria. I was wondering if there are any agencies in India who help with accommodation certificate required for the Algerian Visa. Thank you.


  • jessica Says

    beautiful blog

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