
Music from Colombia

We traveled in Colombia earlier this year (June 2014). The one thing which stood out amongst everything else was everyone’s pure love for Colombian music. It’s no wonder considering the variety of styles that come from different regions.

Most importantly, Colombian music is just really good!


We decided to put together a playlist of just 4 songs that show the absolutely amazing diversity that comes out of this beautiful country!


The bands featured are:


Choc Quib TownSomos Pacifico

Choc Quib Town

Choc Quib Town

They are from the Pacific region and proud of it :)


Systema SolarYo Voy Ganao

Systema Solar

Systema Solar

These guys are a collective of some of the finest DJs Colombia has to offer. They dress up in space suits. Quite intriguing!

There’s a phenomenon in Colombia where ‘the guy with the biggest sound wins’. These guys run parties known as PICÓS and will often own gigantic sound systems solely to play music so that people can party outdoors (they also rent out their sound systems and make some cash). Systema Solar is definitely a picó party favorite!


El CaribefunkSan Antonio

El CaribeFunk

El CaribeFunk

These guys are from the Caribbean! Originally from Cartagena de Indias, they’ve made a name for themselves through some aggressive touring around Colombia and abroad. Of course, the great music helps :)


Bomba EstereoFuego

Bomba Estereo

Bomba Estereo

From up in the mountains, Bogota! These guys are pretty famous and have played live in several international locations. The music and lyrics pack a serious punch!


We hope that with this journey you’ve experienced some the amazing diversity that Colombia has to offer.

This is just a piece of it!

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  • Anita Says

    It’s really great that you take time to appreciate and spread the culture of the countries you visit.. It makes for a much more “complete” view of a country! And it’s good to show that there is much more to music than the “gringo” stuff! We all need to “hear” outside the box.

  • That’s so true about Colombians – they just love their music!! I teach a lot of Colombian students and when they talk about it, it’s like another world!!

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