April 27, 2015 /Posted in Colombia, In Focus, Latin America /By Ashray

Breakfast in Cartagena

Cartagena has the most charming city center that I have ever seen! The perfectly preserved colorful historical houses, the beautiful roads criss crossing at 90 degree angles, the churches rising up from the middle all add to the charm of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. But it is the variety of trade and commerce that is happening within these walls that make the center come alive!

It’s eight in the morning and we set out to capture some pictures of this amazing environment. There were people out on their way to work grabbing a quick breakfast with some potent colombian coffee to go! There were fruit sellers trying to sell you some fresh breakfast in case you like to keep it healthy – how about a slice of watermelon?

Everything was vibrant but unhurried. There was no rush, there was no sense of urgency. It just was, how it was. How it has been, for hundreds of years.

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