April 26, 2015 /Posted in Chile & Easter Island, In Focus, Latin America /By Ashray

Dreaming of the open road!

Life is strange like that. A few weeks ago, we were on the open road driving through 5000km of the most remote parts of the world, SOUTHERN PATAGONIA! At the time, although we enjoyed the absolutely incredible vistas and the wild nature all around, we would’ve killed for a sushi platter or something silly like a donut. Dreaming of urban comforts and things like that.

On the other hand, now that we are back in civilization and have a wonderful house for a couple of months, we miss the feeling of having adventure right at our doorstep.

The southern highway (carretera austral) in Chile is by far the most beautiful road we have ever driven down. And yes, we have driven the famous route 66 and pacific coast highway in the US. We’ve also driven along ruta 40 in Argentina. We’ve been through the valleys in Ladakh, India and the high altitude roads in Bolivia. Nowhere that we have been compares to the sheer beauty of this stretch of gravel snaking and winding through the southernmost populated regions of our planet.

Head down to the Carretera Austral if you love nature, make sure you take a 4×4 if possible! Every turn is a photo-op, it’s exhilarating!

This photo is as random as any other that we’ve taken. We didn’t give too much thought to composition, lighting, or any other element. We didn’t even bother to take our “real” camera out. This is shot with an iPhone. This place is just that awesome.

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