September 4, 2013 /Posted in In Focus, North America, USA & Puerto Rico /By Zara

Yosemite at Night

Yosemite is one of the most visited National Parks in the US‘s West side. Half Dome, a huge granite dome with an almost vertical face, is one of the highlights of any visit to this park.

At the eastern end of the Yosemite Valley, you can appreciate views of the dome after a long strenuous hike (for those that have what it takes to go uphill for more than 8 miles!) or, like us, going to a viewpoint by car. Even by car, it takes a good hour to go up and around the mountain, until you can appreciate the panoramic views of what local Native America Indians called Tis-sa-ack.

We made it to the top of the mountain at the very end of the day, when the night was coming down upon the Half Dome. Between darkness and clouds, this is what we saw!

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