August 27, 2015 /Posted in Asia, In Focus, Thailand /By Zara

Posing for photos, Asian style!

We were recently in Koh Samui and ended up making friends with the owner of the small hotel we were staying at. Matt also happens to be a kick-ass photographer (check his Instagram feed here), and so we went on a couple of photo expeditions together. There’s nothing like luck or being guided by a local to find some truly stunning spots.

Between capturing in photos the beauty of the island, I asked Matt to take a photo of him. Like many Thais would do, he immediately put up two fingers in V shape and posed for the click. I laughed and said “that is so Asian of you!!”. “Really?!” he answered. Of course! Anytime I’ve seen Asian people taking selfies, whether it is somewhere in Asia or abroad, I’ve noticed that this is the go-to pose. Why? I do not know. But it’s cute! Specially if people in Asia don’t actually realize that this is a thing. So I wanted to take an Asian selfie with Matt too – and that is today’s photo right here!

Is there any specific cliche pose for photos and selfies on your side of the world? Share it with us in the comments below!

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