July 1, 2012 /Posted in Europe, Middle East, Portugal, United Arab Emirates /By Zara

Portugueses pelo Mundo: A&Z on Portuguese national TV!

If we needed a souvenir from our years living in Dubai, Portuguese national TV channel RTP has given us a pretty cool one!

Several months before we left the UAE, a Portuguese team shooting the TV show “Portugueses pelo Mundo” (translating into “Portuguese Around the World”) came to visit.

I was really pleased to be one of the guests to show Portugal around the city we were living in back then and, over all, introduce my boyfriend to the entire country. As if Facebook wasn’t enough, now my entire country has an overview of what my life used to be like in the Emirates.

The show is mostly in Portuguese but Ashray does speak in English, about how your life in Dubai is bound to be different depending on your country of origin or color of your skin (more on this here). Yeah, light andĀ pleasantĀ topics of that sort!…


Come on a trip with us to Dubai:

I’ll show you the tallest building in the world, you can come and check out what my regular working day is like and we can jump out of a plane together!

Fancy that?



You know what’s really funny? After this show was aired on national TV, I got a ton of Facebook messages and people trying to add me on the social network (on my personal profile, not our Backpack ME page) I would have never thought of adding someone on Facebook after seeing them on TV, but apparently times are changing and so is media!

I have sent a friend request to Hugh Laurie… but oh well, it’s still pending!
How uncool, isn’t it? ;)


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