February 6, 2014 /Posted in Asia, China, Hong Kong & Macau, In Focus /By Zara

Macau looks like Lisbon!

We’re currently spending some time in Lisbon, one of my favorite cities in the world. I remember when we visited Macau last year how funny it all felt to me: it was like my body was in Portugal while my mind had been transported to China. The blend of Portuguese and Asian elements in Macau is interesting and captivating, from both an aesthetically and cultural point of view.

Macau looks a lot like Lisbon – a lot! The hills, the sidewalks, the narrow streets… even the pastries!

Both places have a lot of character, they are cool.  And that’s probably because they don’t try to be cool as such – it’s a real and down-to-earth vibe (OK, maybe not inside Macau’s casinos.. but stepping beyond them).  Personality can’t be bought, can’t be faked. And both Lisbon and Macau have got that covered!

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