September 22, 2014 /Posted in Czech Republic, Europe, In Focus /By Ashray

Indian Pride – Cafe Coffee Day Emporio in Prague

Most people from countries with strong brands (USA, Japan, Germany, etc.) probably can’t relate to this (McDonalds, BMW, and Sony are everywhere!).

But as an Indian, when I travel abroad and see an Indian brand, it somehow fills me with irrational happiness. It doesn’t make any sense because I have nothing to do with these brands. But it just feels like something familiar in a far off land. It also feels good to know that Indian entrepreneurs and businesses are making a mark at the global level. (other examples are TATA, Bajaj and more recently –

This is how I felt when while walking in a mall in Prague, I came across Cafe Coffee Day Emporio. An upscale version of Cafe Coffee Day, which anyone who has been to India probably knows very well! They serve up a pretty great cup of coffee.

Cafe Coffee Day is an Indian coffee chain. They have coffee shops all over the country and now have some presence in Europe too! Awesome!

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