June 17, 2015 /Posted in Europe, In Focus, Portugal, The Meal Deal /By Zara

The best Grilled Chicken in Lisbon

I always say you can rarely go wrong with grilled chicken in Portugal. But I recently discovered that you actually can… at least at this place dedicated to selling just chicken at Lisbon’s popular Mercado da Ribeira.

So now that you know where NOT to go for the famous Portuguese grilled chicken, I can also tell you where you should DEFINITELY go for a great taste of it in Lisbon: Frangasqueira Nacional (Rua da Imprensa Nacional #117) is the place!

This small establishment is take-away only. They grill chickens and a few other goodies (like pork ribs, Portuguese sausages – alheira, blood sausage and more – and turkey skewers). But what they absolutely kick-ass at is that chicken… it is indeed grilled to perfection. What that means is that even the skin is edible, because it is crisp, while the inside remains absolutely juicy and flavorful. I don’t know what they put on their marinade, but I’m starting to think it’s addictive. And let’s not talk about the fiery peri-peri sauce that you choose (or not) to add a splash of once the meat is grilled… We’ve paid them a visit twice already in the past few days. Not just for the chicken, but also for the salt & herbs home-made potato crisps. Last night, our plates reminded us to that scene with Daenerys’s dragon on the season finale of Game of Thrones – did you watch it? Well, this is a great take-away food option of a TV/movies night in.

I am a big fan of places that specialize in just one type of food or even dish (like a lot of food trucks). You cut the crap, you focus on what you know how to do… and you do it right! Because THAT is your thing. And there is no doubt about it: Frangasqueira’s thing is the chicken. And it is some of the best I have ever tasted!


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