October 1, 2014 /Posted in Asia, In Focus, Thailand /By Ashray

Thai Pride

Spotted on the beautiful tropical island of Koh Phi Phi.

Koh Phi Phi is incredibly touristic and this does end up taking away from some of its charm. But the rampant tacky budget tourism is also interesting to observe. Scores of drunk backpackers show up on this tropical paradise in search of nirvana. Cheap massages, cheap drinks, and bizarre parties can all be found here.

There’s a congested center full of trinket shops, massage parlors, cafes, and travel agencies. Everything is compacted so close to each other that it almost appears to be an effort at winning the award for most unsustainable development on an island.

But below all the confusion, there’s tremendous natural beauty that a simple google search for Koh Phi Phi will reveal (and yes, you can also observe the natural beauty when you are there – it’s not just limited to google searches..).

And there are amusing sign boards.

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