April 25, 2012 /Posted in Asia, In Focus, Indonesia /By Zara

Shhhhh… It’s Nyepi!

When we visited Bali in 2010 we had to stay inside our hotel for 24 hours one of the days. All our windows were blacked out, we couldn’t make any noise or go around outdoors. On this day there were no flights in or out of the island and no one, absolutely no one, was out and about.

This was the day we learnt what Nyepi is. The Balinese “Day of Silence” is a day reserved for self-reflection, meditation and silence. Nothing should disturb that possibility of personal introspection for oneself or others.

Nyepi has its origins in Hinduism but it is mostly celebrated in Bali, by Hindus and others that should respect this day that is taken very seriously. During the days previous to the journey of silence, Balinese people perform different rituals at the beach, that lead to the highlight that is Nyepi.

On Nyepi, no matter where you come from, you will be in silence and in low light.

And you will think about life…


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