Smiling Man on bike in Cambodia

A Cambodian Smile


Peace begins with a smile, Mother Teresa


No matter where you go, don’t stress out if you don’t speak the local language. Some things are universal and, amongst those, a friendly smile is probably the most recognizable and warm way two people can communicate, no matter where.

Photo of the Day takes us to the countryside nearby Siem Reap, in Cambodia, where this biker saw us with a photo camera and thought he’d share with us nothing but a beautiful genuine smile.

Sometimes, little things like this can make your day. And in Cambodia, the smiliest place we have ever traveled to, local people ensured there was never a dull moment.

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  • Kadri Says

    I’m a big 24/7 smiling person, it makes me just happy. It’s so sad if people don’t use their beautiful smile. It’s a small thing to do, but it has such a big power. One of my favorite saying is – “smile and the world smiles with you”. Take care!

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